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Mini CHP
Current-conducting wires and busbar wires
Current-conducting wires of TZK and TZKR types, enclosed, with common sheathing for phases, circular-formed
Enclosed, polygonal, phase-shielded current-conducting wires of TZMEP type
Insulated, small-sized current-conducting wires of TIM type
Current-conducting wires with pressurization
Busbar wires, enclosed, with common sheathing for phases, rounded; ShZK-0.4, ShZK-1.0, ShZK-1.2 types
Current-conducting wires TZK type and bus bars ShZK type with copper buses
Current-conducting wires with polymer insulators
Complete transformer substations
Complete switchgears
Complete transformer substations in modular buildings
PKU stations of commercial accounting
Reactive power compensator KRM – 0.4 kV
Low-voltage complete devices
Wiring products
Current-conducting wires with pressurization